Garden Montessori
We have a Seperate Montessori Classroom headed by a Qualified Montessori Teacher.
Ms Geetashri Shetty
Ph no: 9820430431
Have you tried sitting with your child helping him recognize numbers or letters and felt like pulling out your hair because you couldn’t get your child concentrate for a few minutes? This same child is often caught playing in the bathroom transferring water from one container to the other for hours.
Well, when you sat down do those letters with her. She couldn’t imagine that learning letters will help her in reading and writing later. But when she is playing with that soap she is getting an immediate result. Lots and lots of froth for the efforts she is putting in. Can we relate this with our work too? When we are in work profiles where in our efforts show an immediate pleasant result it peps us up. We start loving our work.

Building a Child’s Concentration the Montessori Way
In a Montessori Classroom you will find shelves dedicated to Exercises of Practical Life Activities. For instance, Pouring Grains from one cup to another, Pouring liquid through a Funnel, Folding of Napkins, etc. As, the result of these activities are immediate, it helps in building a child’s Concentration.
An ordinary magnifying glass can focus the rays of the sun so much that they will burn a hole in a paper. But those same rays will not even heat the paper until they are concentrated on one spot.
The human mind is something like a magnifying glass. The mind is the medium through which all the faculties of the brain may be brought together and made to function in a coordinated manner. And just like the cell has a nucleus and a magnet attracts to its centre…… This strong concentration becomes the centre around which the personality organizes itself.
Our curriculum is based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s belief that children have an inborn drive to become independent and our program encourages & allows each child to develop his / her academic, social & emotional self. The Montessori learning materials stimulate children into logical thought and discovery under the guidance of our AMI accredited Montessori teachers.